Big Wheels 2010, Kenworth W900A EXHD Aerodyne 1978 ”Silicone Express II” in the heart of the Finnish lakelands. #bigwheelsfinland #bigwheels2010 #bigwheels #americantruck #bigrig #kenworth #w900 #siliconeexpress #truckerslife #truckers #trucking #lakelands #finland #visitfinland #visitpieksämäki #pieksämäki @mvfotografiks
American trucks such as this Kenworth K100C ”Silicone Express” are essential part of the Big Wheels also on 20th July 2019. This pic is from 2012 and by @mvfotografiks. Jenkkirekkamiitti jälleen ensi heinäkuussa osana Big Wheelsiä! #kenworth #kenworthk100 #americantruck #bigrigs #trucker #siliconeexpress #silicone #jenkkirekka #bigwheelsfinland #bigwheels #bigwheels2012 #pieksämäki #visitpieksämäki
American trucks such as this Kenworth K100C ”Silicone Express” are essential part of the Big Wheels also on 20th July 2019. This pic is from 2012 and by @mvfotografiks. Jenkkirekkamiitti jälleen ensi heinäkuussa osana Big Wheelsiä! #kenworth #kenworthk100 #americantruck #bigrigs #trucker #siliconeexpress #silicone #jenkkirekka #bigwheelsfinland #bigwheels #bigwheels2012 #pieksämäki #visitpieksämäki